2022-2023 NEW FAMILY APPLICATION | Page 15

Parents indicate agreement on the Parent Partnership Expectations and Agreement . Students in Grades 3-12 will sign the agreement below in the classroom .
Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement
By signing below , I acknowledge that I have actually read all the rules below and discussed any questions with my teacher .
1 . I will only use computers and electronic devices at school for assignments given to me by my teachers and will acquire their permission before use .
2 . I will only access online information with prior permission .
3 . I will not attempt to use any chat rooms , messaging systems , or social networking sites or any other communication system .
4 . I realize that using email from the school computer is not allowed without permission .
5 . I will use the computers in a responsible manner at all times while following all rules , realizing that my computer activities are being tracked by the computer I am using as well as by the server attached to the computer . Every activity will be recorded to my own personal account .
6 . I will not log onto a computer through another student ’ s account . 7 . I will not access a teacher ’ s computer at any time .
8 . I will not give out any personal information about myself or anyone else while using computers at school .
9 . I will make responsible decisions while accessing and using computer equipment .
10 . I will treat computer equipment carefully . I understand that misusing equipment may be considered a crime . Examples of misusing computer are breaking copyright laws , vandalizing equipment , tampering with hardware , software , or other users ’ files .
11 . I will report any problems or improper messages to my teacher or to school personnel who are supervising me .
12 . I will not attempt to download or install any programs .
13 . If I do not follow these rules , I know that I may lose my privilege to use any computer at school and will face disciplinary action .
14 . I am responsible for any damages that I intentionally cause by misusing school equipment .
Father ’ s Signature
Mother ’ s Signature
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