2022-2023 College Factbook | Page 30

Student Highlights
Sales Team Earns Awards
Delta Sigma Pi Wins Outstanding Professional Activities Award
Beta Alpha Psi Earns Superior Status

Student Highlights

Sales Team Earns Awards

The Kent State Sales Team had another successful year , placing at numerous regional and national competitions . The team competed in the National Collegiate Sales Competition ( NCSC ), with several team members placing . The team also competed in the University of Toledo Invitational
Sales Competition during which Jana Stone placed 8th overall and Courtney Weidow and Rachel Spayd won the social media marketing competition . The team placed fourth overall and was recognized for Five Years of Sustained Excellence and achieving Gold Level status in the PSE
National Pro / Am Competition . In addition , Courtney Weidow was a finalist in the Pro / Am category which included 110 competitors ; Olivia Stark won the prestigious Whan Scholarship for leadership and was a finalist for the Whan Award and Olivia Webb received a $ 1,500 scholarship for scholastic achievement . The team also participated in the Keystone Challenge Sales Competition at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania where Mackenzi Popovich placed third overall .
The Kent State PSE Chapter placed fourth overall and was recognized for Five Years of Sustained Excellence and achieving Gold Level status at the PSE National Pro / AM Competition .

Delta Sigma Pi Wins Outstanding Professional Activities Award

Kent State ’ s Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi Professional Business Fraternity won a regional “ Outstanding Professional Activities ” award this fall . This award is presented annually to the alumni chapter of Delta Sigma Pi that plans and implements the most effective and comprehensive program of professional development focused on practical experience as well as business ethics and integrity .

Beta Alpha Psi Earns Superior Status

Kent State ’ s Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi Fraternity earned Superior Status for the 2021-22 Academic Year .