2022-2023 College Factbook | Page 23

Faculty Highlights

Faculty Highlights

86,000 +

Faculty Citations ( lifetime )


Faculty Citations ( last 5 years )
Faculty serve on editorial boards of 24 leading academic journals
New Breaking Down Business Podcast Episodes


Articles published in premier academic journals ( 2021-22 )
A + Journal Publication
Ilgaz Arikan , Ph . D ., Associate Professor of Management and Asli M . Arikan , Ph . D ., Associate Professor of Management “ Revisiting Emerging Market Multinational Enterprise Views : The Goldilocks Story Restated ,” Journal of International Business Studies
Organizational Culture as it Impacts Audit Quality Featuring Ryan C . Ballestero , Ph . D ., assistant professor of accounting
The Effects of Criminal History on Acquiring Meaningful Work Featuring Catrina Johnson , Ph . D ., assistant professor of management
Data Application in the Study of Economics Featuring C . Lockwood Reynolds , Ph . D ., associate professor of economics