What I learned this year about my students … That they are lovely And lonely . They are afraid . They are absolutely hilarious . They love to show their adorable dogs ’ faces in their cameras . They Some of them are amazing BMX racers . Some of them are incredible singers , athletes , dancers . Some of them are Swifties , 1D-ers , and more Some of them love anime One of them is named for a wedding ad on a billboard 2 of them are able to fix vehicles by themselves Several of them persevered despite major losses this year . They want to be veterinarians , musicians , doctors , business owners . One of them paints their own murals . One of them creates their own music content . Some of them are helping out their households . Some of them are carrying too much .
Some of them took all year to figure out how to be at their screen to answer a question – and we love them anyway .
That despite the distances and the screens , they want to be heard . Seen . Valued . They all have an impressive amount of LED lights . They made it through this year . They made us laugh and cry . They They are incredible .