2021 Winter Edition | Page 7

P a ge 7 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1

John Douglas Willwerth , DCAPT-W , continued

Always remember that each member is important , appreciated , and respected . You are the lifeblood of our organization . The Members in your Flotilla really show who we are and what we do . You are what makes the gears turn and keep the Auxiliary vehicle moving forward . Whether you just enrolled or have been here for 50 years ( yes there are a few !), are an appointed or elected officer , or even a significant other or spouse supporting a member , you are important to everything we do . As a team , we need support each other . I hope each of you are onboard with us in 2021 !
In a recent virtual meeting with the Division Leadership , I asked them to remind everyone about the importance of following the Chain of Leadership Management ( COLM ). No exceptions ! If there is a question or concern , take that to your Flotilla Commander . If necessary , they will convey it to the Division Commander . Again if necessary , it will escalate to the Division Captain , etc . The same goes for an appointed office . If the Flotilla Staff Officer has a question or concern about their job , take that to the Division Staff Officer or “ SO .” Then the SO will communicate as needed to the District Staff Officer or DSO , etc . Your cooperation in following the “ chain ” is extremely important for all of us to follow , and avoid many issues . There are situations when things can be dealt with or questions may be answered at a local level .
“ Every day is a new adventure ”, and this being one of my favorite sayings . Maintain a positive ( glass half full ) outlook as we ramp up into a new 2021 , and put 2020 and all the negative vibes behind us . Way . Behind . Us . Keep on pressing your core values , “ Honor , Respect , and Devotion to Duty ” as your daily creed . Again , I look forward in working with all of you in the upcoming year . Be safe , stay well , and I hope to see all of you in-person very soon !
Semper Paratus , Doug Willwerth , DCAPT-W District Captain- West 5 th Northern Region United States Coast Guard Auxiliary