2021 Winter Edition | Page 60

P a ge 60 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1

USCG Auxiliary District 5 NR USCG Station Histories Continued

The very first station built in 1848 at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook
USCG Auxiliary 5NR Historian File
There were 8 stations built in the beginning . The very first station was built at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook . Four of those stations were built in our current USCG Auxiliary 5NR area . Station number 5 was located on Squan Beach , number 6 was on Island Beach , number 7 was near Barnegat Lighthouse and number 8 on Long Beach Island near Bonds . An additional $ 10,000 for equipment was provided in a Lighthouse bill . Basically these first stations were only a boat house on the beach and equipped with a metal lifeboat , boat cart , oars , a mortar for shooting lines , gunpowder , lights rockets and matches . Unfortunately there was no money available to pay employees who would maintain or assist these stations . Basically the key to the station and written instructions were left with a local responsible individual . At least there was some rescue equipment physically located on the shore but its utilization relied of the local volunteers to put it into use should a wreck occur .
This was a start but as you can imagine all sorts of problems occurred . Buildings were broken into and equipment damaged or removed . Lack of training hindered the locals in utilizing equipment successfully . In April 1854 , the Powhattan went aground about 500 yards off shore of Long Beach Island New Jersey with 354 lives lost . This disaster caused a major outcry from the public and Congress responded in 1856 with funds for paid keepers of stations as well as two superintendents , one for New Jersey and one for New York . The appointed keepers were usually local surfmen recommended for the position by the superintendent . Sadly in too many cases , the keeper appointment ended up being politically determined which led to untrained and unqualified individuals . Meanwhile , additional stations were constructed on both the New Jersey and New York coast .
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