P a ge 56 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1
10 FEB 2021 FM : CHDIRAUX TO : ALAUX ALAUX 002 / 21
1 . All Auxiliarists are highly encouraged to review the latest version of the Auxiliary COVID-19 Reconstitution Guide which has been posted in AUXDATA II and to the following link : Auxiliary Reconstitution Guide . ( To review the guide in AUXDATA II , login to AUXDATA II ; from the AUXDATA Navigation Bar select " More ," then “ Files ,” and then select “ Libraries .” The guide and other relevant COVID-19 information with be located in the folder listed as “ CG Auxiliary COVID-19 Guidance .”) If you have any questions regarding the content of the guide , please reach out to your Chain of Leadership and Management ( COLM ).
2 . This guidance is intended to provide assistance to the Director of Auxiliary ( DIRAUX ), Coast Guard units , and Order Issuing Authorities ( OIA ) on how to use Coast Guard Auxiliarists in the safest way possible during the COVID-19 Pandemic . Knowing that the spread of the Pandemic is different in every area , region , state , city , town , etc ., DIRAUXs and OIAs may deviate from this guide as they see fit for their cognizant areas of responsibility ( AOR ).
3 . This guidance provides Auxiliarists a safe way to move forward during the Pandemic and also combines and supersedes the following four ALAUXs : ALAUX 003 / 20 ( Novel Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) - Auxiliary Awareness ); ALAUX 027 / 20 ( Temporary Suspension of Online Proctor Requirement for AUXOP Specialty Course Exams ); ALAUX 011 / 20 ( Webinar Delivery of the TCT Refresher - COVID-19 ); and , ALAUX 032 / 20 ( Auxiliary Currency Maintenance Changes for CY 2020 ).
4 . DIRAUX offices , Coast Guard units , and OIAs are continually assessing operational risks posed by COVID-19 and developing mitigation strategies in advance of mission performance . They remain the best sources for guidance regarding Auxiliary assignments to duty within their AORs . All Auxiliarists are expected to help them by exercising caution and strictly adhering to all Coast Guard guidance .
5 . Internet release is authorized .