P a ge 51 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1
Division 18 Commander Finds Fellowship Across the Board
Article and photo by Mike Slepian , SO-PA Division 18
The absence of in-person Auxiliary activities was not going to stop Division 18 Commander Paul Whitman , Sr . from hosting a fun , fellowship event . All it took was a visit with his daughter Kaitlyn , a highly respected teacher for deaf students , age two to fifteen . She recommended an on-line game she uses as a teaching aid . Paul took one look and , BINGO ! He was hooked on , you guessed it , Internet BINGO !
After a few emails to Division members , along with simple instructions to follow links to a Zoom call , and hooking up with BINGOmaker . com on line , more than a dozen members and their families enjoyed the first ever evening of laughs , good natured ribbing and careful attention to individual electronic BINGO “ cards .”
Screen shot of Division 18 on line BINGO game in play .
For Whitman , the idea was letter perfect . “ We played with family members to see how it would work and we had a blast !” The game requires an on-line host to control play and act as caller , and Commander Whitman ' s daughter was the perfect choice . Although Kaitlyn is not an Auxiliarist , she epitomized what it means to be part of an extended , Coast Guard Auxiliary family .
Games are easily set up by logging onto bingomaker . com , which contains complete instructions for hosting an event and for participants . There is no charge for playing .
Nearly two hours breezed by before the evening wrapped up . As players slowly logged off some wondered how other Divisions may be sharing good fellowship , virtually ! Clearly , for Division 18 , Auxiliary BINGO spelled success !
-Semper Paratus-