P a ge 41 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1
Boathouse Gets a Facelift , continued
The refurbishment was completed by flotilla members and with generous assistance from neighbors , local business owners , and active duty members from nearby USCG Station Cape May and home-ported cutters . “ Both businesses and individuals provided real help as our members worked on various projects at the property on Yacht Ave .” explained Bob Lamendola , the flotilla ’ s Vice Flotilla Commander . “ Neighbors on both sides of the building pitched in ; one who made custom flower boxes and the other with the loan of ladders and other equipment . And of course enlisted members of the Coast Guard volunteered with painting and repair work along side our own Auxiliary members . The manager at the nearby convenience store offered help with putting sandwiches together for our workers . We are truly a Coast Guard Community !”
The boathouse , affectionately referred to as “ The Shack ,” has been used for meetings , patrol vessel dockage , missions staging , training classes , ceremonies , boating safety courses and decades of good fellowship . “ Because of its 130 year history of maritime service , the Shack is as much a source of pride to the surrounding Cape May community as it is to our Auxiliary members ,” said Marty Sannino , the current flotilla commander . “ It has withstood the lashing of countless storms over its life , yet still provides service to the Coast Guard Auxiliary and remains a connection to the community ’ s maritime past for local citizens .”
Although the job of the new occupants is less demanding than the “ Iron Men in Wooden Ships ” who first manned the boathouse in the 19 th Century , the members of the Cape May flotilla receive great satisfaction showing honor , respect , and devotion to duty by protecting and maintaining an important piece of Coast Guard history .
( L to R ) Cape May flotilla members George Catanese , John Burns and Bruce Jacobs renovating their vintage headquarters in 2006 .
Coast Guard Auxiliary photo by COMO Joseph Giannattasio .
Continued on the next page ...