2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 6

Port St . Lucie employees continue to praise City leadership and supervisors ’ performance .
Employees ’ trust in City leadership remains strong , with many ratings surpassing benchmark communities nationwide . Overall confidence in Port St . Lucie governance received positive reviews from 66 % of employees , higher than the national average . Employees also offered above-average reviews for the leadership of their supervisors ( 87 % excellent or good ), senior staff / leadership ( 77 %), and Council members / elected officials ( 66 %). About 7 in 10 employees were pleased with the overall direction that the Port St . Lucie is taking and the City generally acting in the best interest of the community , both of which decreased slightly from prior survey results but remained higher than other comparison communities .
The City receives high marks in the areas of inclusivity and equity .
A higher-than-average proportion of employees favorably rated the City for attracting employees from diverse backgrounds ( 82 %), promoting workplace diversity ( 77 %), recruiting diverse people into positions of organizational leadership ( 75 %), and applying policies and procedures equally to all employees ( 67 %). Over three-quarters also praised the City of Port St . Lucie for making all employees feel welcome , fostering a respectful atmosphere , and helping new employees feel connected and integrated , surpassing ratings given in national benchmark communities . About 8 in 10 employees also gave their supervisors positive reviews for treating employees with respect , and 7 in 10 did the same for supervisors promoting a positive working relationship among group members and fostering an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence .
Port St . Lucie ’ s employee development ratings exceeded the national average in many areas .
Survey items related to employee development tended to receive positive reviews . Three-quarters of Port St . Lucie ’ s employees gave high marks to their supervisors for communicating expectations of employees , providing specific and constructive feedback that helps improve employee performance , and working together with employees to set goals . These scores were higher than national averages and held steady with the City ’ s previous survey . The City also received above-average assessments for supporting continual learning and development ( 73 %), opportunities to develop a career path ( 68 %), and showing employee appreciation ( 60 %).
In a custom question unique to Port St . Lucie , the City asked employees to rate the importance of various characteristics in developing a strong innovation training program . Nearly all employees prioritized support for testing new ideas , even if they may not immediately produce results ( 96 % very or somewhat important ), followed closely by opportunities to collaborate with other team members on innovation ( 95 %). Allowance for dedicated work time to work on innovative solutions was also rated of high importance by 94 % of employees .