2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 50

How would you rate the job the organization does at each of the following ?
Availability of opportunities for employees to develop knowledge and skills
60 %
71 %
72 %
73 %
Opportunities to develop a career path
48 %
67 %
69 %
68 %
The overall skill set of staff
75 %
76 %
82 %
78 %
The work being done at the City of Port St . Lucie overall
77 %
82 %
84 %
79 %
Please rate each of the following aspects of your WORK GROUP .
Communication among all staff in my work group
The working relationships in my work group
73 %
82 %
79 %
84 %
77 %
81 %
75 %
82 %
Collaboration among all staff in my work group
76 %
82 %
80 %
81 %
Overall staff morale in my work group
67 %
73 %
74 %
70 %
Effectiveness of meetings in my work group
54 %
76 %
72 %
75 %
The quality of work being done in my work group
86 %
90 %
90 %
88 %
Please rate each of the following aspects of your SUPERVISOR ' S performance .
Communicating information in a timely manner
Welcoming employee involvement in decision-making
57 %
63 %
81 %
78 %
81 %
75 %
77 %
77 %
Encouraging an environment where employees feel comfortable to raise issues and concerns that are important to them
76 %
73 %
78 %
Encouraging employees to come up with innovative solutions to problems
54 %
79 %
77 %
78 %
Encouraging employees to use their own judgment to get the job done
82 %
78 %
81 %
Promoting a positive working relationship among work group members
71 %
83 %
82 %
79 %
Fostering an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence
70 %
80 %
78 %
75 %
Treating employees with respect
74 %
85 %
81 %
82 %
Valuing employees from diverse backgrounds
89 %
86 %
87 %