2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 45

Please rate how welcoming the City of Port St Lucie is for :
People who are younger
People who are of lower income
Not welcoming
Very welcoming
3 % N = 10
43 % N = 151
34 % N = 119
Somewhat welcoming
17 % N = 59
Not welcoming
6 % N = 21
The city is working to build a strong innovation program and offers innovation training open to all city employees . Please advise what is important to you as we continue to design this program to serve you .
Allowance for dedicated work time to work on innovative solutions
Additional Training on innovation process improvement
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Very Important
Somewhat Important
58 % N = 255
36 % N = 161
6 % N = 25
53 % N = 244
37 % N = 171
Not Important
9 % N = 42
Additional coaching and support
Very Important
49 % N = 228
Somewhat Important
41 % N = 193
Not Important
10 % N = 46
Awards and recognition for innovation
Very Important
45 % N = 212
Somewhat Important
41 % N = 191
Not Important
14 % N = 66
Opportunities to collaborate with other team members on innovation
Very Important
Somewhat Important
52 % N = 246
43 % N = 201
Not Important
5 % N = 26
Support for testing new ideas , even if they may not immediately produce results
Very Important
Somewhat Important
55 % N = 253
40 % N = 185
Not Important
4 % N = 20
Offering virtual on demand training
Very Important
52 % N = 244
Somewhat Important
38 % N = 178
Not Important
10 % N = 47
Offering in person training
Very Important
52 % N = 246
Somewhat Important
38 % N = 179
Not Important
10 % N = 47
What is your management status ?
16 % N = 76