2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 43

Please rate how welcoming the City of Port St Lucie is for :
People who are Black or African American
People who are Hispanic
Not welcoming
Very welcoming
1 % N = 5
48 % N = 184
43 % N = 166
Somewhat welcoming
7 % N = 26
Not welcoming
1 % N = 5
People who are American Indian or Alaskan Native
Very welcoming
53 % N = 169
39 % N = 123
Somewhat welcoming
6 % N = 19
Not welcoming
2 % N = 6
People who are White
Very welcoming
56 % N = 240
36 % N = 153
Somewhat welcoming
6 % N = 27
Not welcoming
1 % N = 6
People whose first language is not English
Very welcoming
42 % N = 150
41 % N = 147
Somewhat welcoming
13 % N = 48
Not welcoming
3 % N = 11
People who are not U . S . citizens
Very welcoming
44 % N = 124
36 % N = 102
Somewhat welcoming
15 % N = 41
Not welcoming
5 % N = 13
People of Christian faith
Very welcoming
54 % N = 177
37 % N = 120
Somewhat welcoming
8 % N = 25
Not welcoming
1 % N = 5
People of Islamic faith
Very welcoming
49 % N = 134
36 % N = 98
Somewhat welcoming
10 % N = 26
Not welcoming
5 % N = 13
People of Jewish faith
Very welcoming
51 % N = 145