2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 2

About The NES™

This report of The National Employee Survey™ ( The NES™ ) for the City of Port St . Lucie presents the opinions of employees regarding their job satisfaction , engagement and key characteristics of their work environment . The survey was developed by the experts from National Research Center at Polco . A periodic sounding of employee opinion on critical workplace issues offers management , staff and elected officials an opportunity to identify challenges , plan for and evaluate improvements and sustain organizational effectiveness for long-term success .
The NES report is about the work environment of the City of Port St . Lucie . A quality work environment is a workplace that is not simply acceptable , but that is desirable . It is not only where people do work , but where they want to work .
Great workplaces are partnerships of employees , management and the residents they serve . The NES captures employees ’ opinions within the aspects of organizational climate as well as community quality and city governance as well as ratings of City internal support services ( such as human resources and finance ), community quality , and City governance :
• Quality of Community
• Quality of Governance
• Employee Engagement
• Workplace Essentials
• Organizational Climate
• Employee Development
• Equity and Inclusion
• Internal Support Services
A total of 512 completed surveys were obtained , providing an overall response rate of 40 %. Because the survey was intended to be taken by all employees , no traditional margin of error was calculated . However , because not all employees responded , NRC recommends using plus or minus five percentage points as the “ range of uncertainty ” around any given percent reported for the organization as a whole . The full description of methods used to garner these opinions can be found in the Methods tab .
How the results are reported
For the most part , the percentages presented in the following tabs represent the “ percent positive .” Most commonly , the percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options ( i . e ., excellent / good , very safe / somewhat safe , etc .). On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “ don ’ t know .” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “ Complete data .” However , these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in most of the tabs . In other words , the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item . When a table for a question that only permitted a single response does not total to exactly 100 %, it is due to the customary practice of rounding percentages to the nearest whole number .
Comparisons to benchmarks
This is Port St . Lucie ' s fourth administration of The National Employee Survey . The survey was administered during the COVID-19 pandemic , a time of challenge for many local governments . While we provide comparisons to national benchmarks , it is important to note that much of the benchmark data was collected prior to the pandemic , so the comparisons may not be entirely comparable for all of the data points .
NRC ’ s database of comparative employee opinion comprises the perspectives of more than 25,000 employees gathered from employee surveys from local governments across the U . S . Those employees evaluated the organization in which they work and gave their opinion about job satisfaction , supervisor relationships and other aspects of the employee experience . The City of Port St . Lucie was compared to the entire database . A benchmark comparison ( the average percent positive from all the comparison organizations where a question was asked , excluding Port St . Lucie ' s ) has been provided when there were at least five organizations in which the question was asked . The percent positive response was created by combining the most favorable response options ( i . e ., strongly agree / somewhat agree or excellent / good ).