2021 International Slides 12.09.2021 - FINAL | Page 4

International Tax Provisions - Summary

Topic Prior Tax Law ( 2017 ) Current Tax Law ( 2018 ) Proposed Changes
Taxation of Foreign Income
Worldwide Taxation with limited deferral
Participation Exemption System of Taxation of Foreign Income
N / A
Taxation of Foreign Dividends
Dividends subject to corporate tax with FTC
100 % Dividend Received Deduction ( DRD ) for foreign source dividends received by domestic corporations from specified 10 % owned foreign corporations
100 % Dividend Received Deduction for foreign source dividends received by U . S . corporation only from CFC ( i . e . 50 % U . S owned foreign corporation )
Foreign Tax Credits
FTC or deduction for direct and indirect taxes paid or accrued
No foreign tax credit or deduction allowed for any taxes including withholding taxes paid or accrued w / r / t dividends that qualify for the DRD .
FTC to be calculated on a country-by-country basis ( prevents blending of high and low foreign tax rates ); no carryback of FTC – 10 year carryforward , except for GILTI credits
Transition Tax
Deferred foreign income not subject to current US tax
Tax rates : 15.5 % cash assets / 8 % on remainder ; proportional reduction on Sec 902 credits Election to pay over 8 years
N / A
Interest Expense Limitation
Earnings stripping – denied interest expense to the extent based on debt / equity ratio greater than 1.5 to 1
Business interest expense cannot exceed the sum of the taxpayers business interest income , 30 % of ATI and floor plan financing
Limit interest for certain domestic corporations that are part of an international reporting group . Limitation would be the allowable percentage of 110 % of their net interest expense .