Executive Full Golf
Exclusively Available to members ages 40-63 Spouse / Significant other and dependents up to the age of 23
Monthly Dues : $ 380 Initiation Fee : $ 5,000
Members and their immediate family will enjoy full access to an 18-hole Mike Riley original championship golf course , which underwent an extensive $ 1.3 million renovation in 2018 . Your family will also enjoy unlimited access to driving range and practice areas including chipping and putting greens , men ' s and ladies ’ locker rooms , dining and banquet facilities . As well as a full calendar of golf and social events .
Junior Executive Full Golf
Exclusively Available to members ages 31-39
Monthly Dues : $ 315 Initiation Fee : $ 2,000
Members and their immediate family will enjoy full access to an 18-hole Mike Riley original championship golf course , which underwent an extensive $ 1.3 million renovation in 2018 . Your family will also enjoy unlimited access to driving range and practice areas including chipping and putting greens , men ' s and ladies ’ locker rooms , dining and banquet facilities . As well as a full calendar of golf and social events .
Young Professional Full Golf
Exclusively Available to members ages 21-30
Monthly Dues : $ 265 Initiation Fee : $ 1,000
Members and their immediate family will enjoy full access to an 18-hole Mike Riley original championship golf course , which underwent an extensive $ 1.3 million renovation in 2018 . Your family will also enjoy unlimited access to driving range and practice areas including chipping and putting greens , men ’ s and ladies ’ locker rooms , dining and banquet facilities . As well as a full calendar of golf and social events .
6 Rediscover Crooked Creek Golf Club