2021 Annual Report | Page 17

217 volunteers

9,240 volunteer hours


vaccinations distributed on busiest day


total vaccine doses administered


When COVID-19 vaccines became available in December 2020 , Renown Health answered the call — with the help of the Washoe County Health District — and provided vaccinations to both our care teams and our community members .
These vaccines were , and continue to be , a signal of hope for the future and a path to ending the pandemic .
Thanks to a synchronized effort between employees and volunteers , Renown Health administered more than 81,000 vaccine doses over seven months .
“ From our nurses , pharmacists , security teams , public safety experts and countless volunteer staff , each dose of the vaccine was made possible — rain , snow or shine — by dedicated healthcare champions committed to the health and safety of Nevadans ,” said Melodie Osborn , RN , Chief Nursing and Quality Officer for Health Services at Renown .
Kevin and Adrienne , Pharmacists
Renown set up a drive-thru clinic at our South Meadows Medical Center campus to provide both COVID-19 testing and vaccines . In addition to administering doses of the vaccine , the team of internal and external volunteers guided community members through paperwork , appointment scheduling and questions . Above all , the team radiated hope , cried tears of joy , shared smiles of relief and demonstrated one way that Renown answers the call to care for our community .
Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19