Mrs . Maggie Garrison Mr . Stephen C . Gault General Electric Foundation Matching Gift Program Mr . and Mrs . Tony Georges GLA Collection Co ., Inc . Mr . E . D . Gleason Mr . and Mrs . Joseph T . Goodwin Gordon Food Service Mr . and Mrs . James A . Gorski Ms . Sandra Graham Mr . Carl F . Greer , Jr . Mr . and Mrs . Stephen Gruebbel Mr . and Mrs . James A . Hamilton Ms . Anne Hanekamp Mr . and Mrs . Robert L . Hanks Mr . and Mrs . Bill Hauer Mr . and Mrs . Donald D . Haunz Ms . Heidi Hayes HDR Engineering Mr . and Mrs . Doug Heilman Dr . and Mrs . Michael Heine Mrs . Pauline L . Helwig Mrs . Norma Hensley Ms . Robyn Roser Hervol Ms . Rosemary Hildenbrand Mr . and Mrs . Howard L . Holloman , Jr . Mr . and Mrs . Glenn Holmgren Home of the Innocents Fund at the CFL Hookeye Marketing Mr . and Mrs . Michael Hooper Hoping Hearts Foundation , Inc . Mr . and Mrs . Albert C . Horton Mr . and Mrs . Michael Hubbuch Mr . and Mrs . John H . Hughes Mr . John Hugues and
Ms . Genevieve LeLaurin Humana Healthy Horizons ImageQuest Iris Cottage Industries JTH Properties , Inc . Jungle Jim ’ s Accessory Products , Inc . Mr . and Mrs . Carroll A . Kamer Mr . Bruce J . Kempf Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance -
State Office Mr . and Mrs . Rick Knight Mr . Neil W . Kunkel , Sr . Mr . and Mrs . Art Kurtz L & N Federal Credit Union - Employee
Giving Fund Lantech Ms . Shirlee LaRosa Mr . and Mrs . Gary Lee Mr . and Mrs . Gregory J . Leffingwell
LG & E and KU Foundation Libs Paving Company Mr . Mark Lindemoen Mr . Woodford R . Long Louisville Halloween Louisville Professional Firefighters
Local 345 Lyndon Elks Lodge 2052 Mahan Foundation Ms . Ava Martin Mr . Krol Mathias Steven E . and Carol E . McCulley
Charitable Fund Mr . and Mrs . Jim McKinney Mr . and Mrs . Michael Melloy Ms . Mallary Meriwether Mill Steel Company Mr . Keith Mills Mr . and Mrs . Raymond E . Montgomery Mr . and Mrs . Charles R . Moore Mr . and Mrs . James B . Moore Mr . and Mrs . John Moran Mrs . Terri Mossbarger Dr . and Mrs . R . Charles Moyer Mr . and Mrs . Timothy Nall National Insurance Agency , Inc . Nationwide Foundation Mr . and Mrs . Randy Neely Mr . Charles Neill Mr . and Mrs . David F . Neumann New Wave Polymers Mr . and Mrs . Hunter Noble Okolona Church of Christ Mr . and Mrs . James E . Olliges ORI Mr . and Mrs . Josh Oyster Mrs . Delois Panke Dr . and Mrs . Guru R . Pattar Mr . and Mrs . James A . Patterson Mr . Robert L . Penick POS Portal ProRehab Louisville LLC QK4 Mr . and Mrs . Fred Ralston Ramco Services , LLC RCF Group Drs . Jane and James Redmon Regent Investment Management Mr . and Mrs . William J . Roby , Jr . Mr . and Mrs . Robert W . Rounsavall , III Rounsavall Title Group , LLC Rundell Ernstberger Associates Mr . Scherrill G . Russman S & A Express LLC Mr . and Mrs . Terry Sams
Mr . and Mrs . Jerry L . Sanders Mr . Scott Schaftlein Mrs . Dianne M . Scheer Mr . and Mrs . Charles Schuler Serenity Within Mental Health Services Seven Seas Construction Ms . Barbara H . Short Mr . and Mrs . Michael Sibley Mr . and Mrs . Dale B . Skaggs , Jr . Mr . and Mrs . Donald F . Spath Mr . and Mrs . Keith Spaulding Mr . and Mrs . Brian K . Springfield The Standard Mr . Scott Stankiewicz Mr . and Mrs . Timothy Statts Steptoe & Johnson , PLLC Mr . and Mrs . Steve Sternberg Mr . and Mrs . Michael J . Stich Mrs . Mary Clay Stites Stoll Construction & Paving Co ., Inc . Ms . Carolyn Svoboda Mrs . Betsy Swartwood Mr . and Mrs . John D . Sweeney Swope Design Group Synchrony Bank Ms . Melinda Thieneman Ms . Mary Lynn Thieneman-Legel Mr . John M . Thomas Mr . Malcolm Thomas Mr . and Mrs . Steve Thornberry Tilford Dobbins & Schmidt Todd Asset Management , LLC Mr . and Mrs . Craig E . Townsend Mr . and Mrs . Brian M . Trudel Mr . A . Michael Tucker Unbridled Charitable Foundation , Inc . United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Mr . and Mrs . Thomas J . Usher Vertner D . Smith , Jr . Endowment Fund Mr . and Mrs . Jeremy Vessels Mr . Larry Vincent Mr . and Mrs . Greg Virgin Mr . Mark Vogt Mr . and Mrs . James R . Voyles Ms . Judith E . Wagner Rev . Suzanne M . Warner Mr . Roscoe Willett , III Woman ’ s Club of Louisville Ms . Karen H . Wunderlin Mr . and Mrs . Gary Young Mr . and Mrs . Maury Young
* Every attempt has been made to correctly capture all donor names . If a name is spelled incorrectly or is missing , please email info @ homeoftheinnocents . org so we can correct any inaccuracies .