contains the most important and very likely only remaining viable wild population of the Bourret ’ s Box Turtle ( CR ).
All species in the forest were gravely threatened by commercial hunters and snaring gangs in the region . Prior to official protection , these activities were unabated in their indiscriminate destruction of animals large and small .
Since protecting this rich area , Asian Arks , WCS and Rainforest Trust have been working with the local community — consisting of approximately 2,659 people — to enlist their support . Local residents are now employed in patrols , with a total of five law enforcement teams . Camera trap surveys are being used to locate snares and expedite their removal .
Safeguarding this land will not only protect endangered species like the Saola , it will keep 15,662,722 metric tons of CO 2 equivalents safely stored .
The elusive Saola | Bill Robichaud © Forest in Anoulak | Asian Arks ©
Protected in Asia-Pacific
2021 1988-2021
Threatened Mammal Species Protected
Threatened Bird Species Protected
Threatened Amphibian Species Protected
Acres Saved
20.1 million mT
CO 2 Equivalents Stored
Threatened Mammal Species Protected
Threatened Bird Species Protected
Threatened Amphibian Species Protected
Acres Saved
632 million mT
CO 2 Equivalents Stored