2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 99

theme of Warhammer fiction ; the promotion of certain factions as ‘ poster boys ’ ( Abnett , 2021 ). The two groups represented by Loft and Horatius , the Cadians and the Ultramarines , serve in many ways as the mascots of their respective factions , being the generic sub-factions that are often featured in advertisement and promotional material . As such , it ’ s common for Warhammer authors to default to using them when the narrative calls for a representative from their factions , making their inclusion here fit an overall trend stemming from Warhammer fiction ’ s overall purpose of promoting the associated products and brand of the franchise ; centring the ‘ poster boy ’ factions in the associated fiction is a significant part of such efforts . As Harvey discusses , there is a relationship in a transmedial franchise between the narrative elements and the physical toys ( Harvey , 2015 ); this is a prime example of the concept , as these factions are presented more frequently in the narratives to better advertise their physical representations as toys .
It is the combination of these traits that create a consistent style for the franchise ’ s writing , even across a variety of authors . The use of “ High Gothic ” ( the in-universe term for Warhammer ’ s faux-Latin ) terms , such as vox ( radio ), manufactorum ( factory ), and Adeptus Astartes ( Space Marines ) help to ground the piece within the storyworld ; such terms can be understood by those unfamiliar to the setting through context , but they are unquestionably “ Warhammerisms ” to those with familiarity , helping to cement the franchise ’ s identity and to craft an atmosphere of the gothic , catholiccoded space theocracy that defines much of the franchise . The use of such terms is part of what helps Warhammer fiction identifiable even via the prose , a signature of the setting shared even across authors to create a more stylistically unified storyworld .
Abnett , D ., 2000 . NecrofJolis . Black Library , pp . 1- 15 .
Abnett , D ., 2021 . An interview with Warhammer 40,000 author Dan Ahnett , who ' s writing Fatshark ' s Darktide .
Dembski-Bowden , A ., 2020 . An Interview With Aaron Demhski-Bowden .
Games Workshop , n . d . Warhammer Promotional Image . [ image ] Available at : < https : f / warhmnmer40000 . com />[ Accessed 14 May 2022 ].
A Cadian ( centre ) and an Ultramarine ( left ), featuring prominentlyin a piece of Warhammer promotional material . ( Games Workshop , n . d .)
On an aesthetic level , the piece matches both the intentionally archaic and gothic styling of Warhammer fiction , and the in-universe terminology unique to this particular storyworld .
Harvey , C ., 2015 . Colin B . Harvey : Fantastic Transmedia : Narrati11e , Play and Memory Across Science Fictionand Fantasy Storyworlds . London : King ' s College , pp . 158-160 .
SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022