2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 86

__________, ‘ Slow Violence , Neoliberalism , and the Environmental Picaresque ’ in Slow violence and the environmentalism of the poor , 1st edn ( USA : Harvard University Press , 2011 ) pp . 45- 68 .
Oyewumi , Oyeronke ‘ Conclusion : Motherhood in the Quest for Social Transformation ’ in What Gender is Motherhood ? Changing Yoruba Ideals of Power , Procreation , and Identity in the Modern World ( Palgrave Macmillan , 2016 ) pp . 211-221 .
Riach , Graham , An Analysis of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak ' s Can the Subaltern Speak ? 1st edn , ( London : Macat Library , 2017 ).
Roy Arundhti , The Cost of Living , 1st edn , ( New York : Modern Library , 1999 ).
Sinha , Indra , Animal ’ s People , 1st edn , ( Simon and Schuster UK , 2007 ).
The Death Toll , International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal < https :// www . bhopal . net / what-happened / thatnight-december-3-1984 / the-deathtoll /#:~: text = Union % 20Carbide % 20claimed % 2 03 % 2C800 % 20people % 20died % 20that % 20nig ht ., that % 20different % 20figures % 20are % 20quo ted % 20on % 20each % 20site .> [ Accessed : 1 December , 2021 ].
Zulfiqar , Sadia , African Women Writers and the Politics of Gender , 1st edn ( Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2016 ).
SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022