2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 74

of trust ” towards politicians pictured ( O ' Neill , et al ., 2013 , pp . 418-419 ). With this knowledge , one can deduce that images of normal , everyday people – not politicians or celebrities – could have the opposite effect , generating issue saliency as well as feelings of self-efficacy . Audiences could relate to those depicted in such images which could create a degree of trust and a sense of community . Moreover , seeing real , ordinary people playing their part to combatting climate change could also drive home the importance of the issue .
Conclusion To conclude , my findings have indicated that in this report , Greenpeace ’ s visual imagery is aimed towards promoting feelings of self-efficacy . Whilst the report ’ s text – the roadmap , the various steps and measures Government must take – convey the salience of the climate crisis , the report ’ s visuals help promote feelings of selfefficacy . Greenpeace frequently used images of renewable energy sources , such as wind turbines and solar panels , to encourage such feelings . Furthermore , one could argue that by including images of protestors and volunteers , rather than images of politicians or celebrities , Greenpeace are more likely to engage their reader and create a degree of relatability and trust . This marks an ideological shift in Greenpeace ’ s environmental communication and campaigning tactics . Instead of “ bearing witness ” to climate change and the environmental damage caused ( as Julie Doyle suggests ) – we are now “ bearing witness ” to solutions to tackle climate change .
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