2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 59

use of the question of who has been reached . The top age groups reached by these platforms are young adults aged 18-24 and 25-34 ( United Nations Human Rights office , 2020 ). This means a large proportion of society has failed to be reached . As a result , we can conclude that this campaign has disregarded older generations in its target audience which is not fully efficient in reaching all areas of society to ensure awareness has completely been raised . Although the campaign may have been cost-effective , to ensure all aspects of society have been reached ( such as older generations who may not use social media ), the campaign should include at least some element of paid advertisement in the conventional sense of using the radio or billboards etc .
Additionally , NGOs have historically relied on mainstream news media to expose human rights violations and encourage governments to pressure the perpetrators ( Boyle et al . 2017 , p . 29 ), and despite the great potential of the internet , arguably it may be “ a more challenging environment ” due to the “ increasing competition among groups seeking global attention for their specific issue ” ( Boyle et al . 2017 , p . 29 ). Therefore , perhaps a proportion of the campaign ' s budget should be allocated for news media rather than relying so heavily on the internet to spread awareness .
IMPACTS : Since 2013 , the UN Free & Equal Campaign has provided a forum for UN leadership at the global and national levels to support LGBTI communities throughout the world , making a substantial contribution to LGBTI people ' s integration into society . The campaign ' s crucial role in encouraging LGBTI inclusiveness in the workplace was a highlight in 2020 . The campaign ' s diverse media toolkits and locally adapted communication products facilitated collaboration with the local sector and contributed to addressing the reduction of LGBTI discrimination in the workplace ( Ismail and Lesinko , 2021 ). Simultaneously , the UN Free & Equal campaign provided civil society organisations with the opportunity to engage with the media to raise favourable awareness among the LGBTI community .
However , as mentioned previously , the campaign ' s inability to reach a broader audience is an element worth considering . With the impact of Covid-19 , an obvious feature of the campaign was the over-reliance on social media and the neglect of legacy media . Traditional media such as TV advertisements , radio commercials , and offline posters could have been employed more to target a larger audience .
Furthermore , the campaign should include more materials in languages other than UN languages to the agenda in reaching out to more residents in various corners of the world .
The UN Free & Equal campaign has continued to refine its strategy in response to shifting worldwide trends , resulting in a long-term impact on raising awareness of sexual , gender , and physical diversity , as well as advancing respect for equal rights and equitable treatment of LGBTI people around the world .
CONCLUSION : To conclude , although it may be contested due to its limit to reach all generations , the use of social media has enabled important information from the campaign to be dispensed over hundreds of miles to almost all countries and cultures . Being faced with a global pandemic is a major obstacle for any campaign and social media has proven to be a solution to the limiting , strict social restrictions implemented globally in 2020 . This is significant in a wider context for
SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022