2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 35

RESULTS / IMPACT Specifically in regard to abortion , the campaigns success resulted in a mass movement of governments in Latin American countries either revising their abortion laws , legalising the procedure , or making it more accessible ( Diaz , 2021 ). Not only did it have an impact on the specific issue , but the work of Ni Una Menos has also become " a sign of hope " ( Swee , 2019 ). It demonstrated that thousands of people are willing to fight for real substantial change that could affect the lives of millions across the globe . It has inspired so many people to take a more active role in fighting for women ’ s rights and to stand up against the dominance of misogyny and gender inequalities in Latin countries that controls and disadvantages millions of women every single day .
Merton ( 1957 ) stipulates that campaigns can provoke a variety of outcomes that are both intended and unintended . In this instance there are arguments that the unintended outcomes of Ni Una Menos ’ campaigning have been increased " hatred against women " and " more gender-based violence " ( Araya , 2018 ). Hopefully , this will only be a short-term impact and instead , in the long term , there will be more willingness within both the government and the wider society to acknowledge gender inequalities and to continue to revise and introduce policies that will support and protect women .
CONCLUSION All in all , the campaign proved to be a success which is most clearly seen by the fact that in 2020 abortion was legalised in Argentina ( Demsas , 2020 ; Sutton , 2021 ). Besides that , the campaign paved the way for the Argentine version of the American # MeToo movement ( Garibotti and Hopp , 2019 ) which succeeded as well . In terms of the global impact , the movement inspired international feminist campaigners such as Non
Una Meno ( Non Una Meno , 2019 ), an Italian version of the movement with similar goals and aspirations . Finally , the campaign ’ s use of data " represents an evolution of activism in the digital age , based on the use of data for mobilisation purposes " ( Schrock , 2016 as cited in Chenou and Cepeda-Másmela , 2019 , p . 396 ). This campaign demonstrated the benefits of ‘ data activism ’ which is significant as it has a potential of inspiring many more in the future .
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Araya , V . ( 2018 ) Ni Una Menos : Participants ’ perspectives . Master ’ s thesis . University of Oslo .
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Biglieri , P . ( 2020 ) ‘ NI UNA MENOS - NOT ONE WOMAN LESS - How Feminism Could Become a Popular Struggle ’, Baltic Worlds . XIII ( 1 ), pp . 64-66 . Available at : https :// balticworlds . com / wpcontent / uploads / 2020 / 05 / BIGLIERI _ 64 _ 66 _ BW _ 2 020 _ 1 . pdf
SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022