2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 32

Rusbridger , A . ( 2021 ) ‘ It was exhileration ’: how the Guardian went digital – and global . Available from : https :// www . theguardian . com / media / 2021 / may / 0 6 / guardian-200-it-was-exhilarating-how-wentdigital-and-global [ Accessed 4 January 2022 ]
Rusbridger , A . ( 2012 ). The Guardian : a world of news at your fingertips . Available from : theguardian . com / help / insideguardian / 2012 / feb / 2 9 / open-journalism-at-the-guardian [ Accessed 3 January 2022 ]
( 2018 ). Sourcing the Sources , Digital Journalism , 6 ( 7 ), 807-828 . Available from : doi . org / 10.1080 / 21670811.2018.1490658
Wright , S ., Jackson , D . and Graham , T . ( 2020 ) When Journalists Go “ Below the Line ”: Comment Spaces at The Guardian ( 2006 – 2017 ), Journalism Studies , 21 ( 1 ), 107-126 . Available from : doi . org / 10.1080 / 1461670X . 2019.1632733
" Excellent work , very beautifully and accessibly written ." - Professor Michelle Henning
Rusbridger , A . ( 2009 ) The Mutualisation of News .
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Santana , A . D . ( 2014 ) Virtuous or Vitriolic , Journalism Practice , 8 ( 1 ), 18-33 . Available from : doi . org / 10.1080 / 17512786.2013.813194
Singer , J . B ., Hermida , A ., Domingo , D ., Heinonen , A ., Paulussen , S ., Quandt , T ., Reich , Z . and Vujnovic , M . ( 2011 ) Participatory Journalism : Guarding Open Gates at Online Newspapers . Malden , MA , Wiley-Blackwell .
Singer , J . B . and Ashman , I . ( 2009 ) “ Comment Is Free , but Facts Are Sacred ”: User-generated Content and Ethical Constructs at the Guardian , Journal of Mass Media Ethics , 24 ( 1 ), 3-21 . Available from : doi . org / 10.1080 / 08900520802644345
Viner , K . ( 2013 ) The rise of the reader : journalism in the age of the open web . Available from : https :// www . theguardian . com / commentisfree / 20 13 / oct / 09 / the-rise-of-the-reader-katharine-vineran-smith-lecture [ Accessed 23 December 2021 ]
von Nordheim , G ., Boczek , K . and Koppers , L .