2022-23 SHU Campus Safety Handbook | Page 84

Dating Violence :
• State of Michigan — No definition of dating violence it is included in the domestic violence law .
• Clery — Violence committed by a person ( 1 ) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim , and ( 2 ) the existence of such a relationship shall be based on the reporting party ’ s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship , the type of the relationship , and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship . For the purposes of this definition dating violence includes , but is not limited to , sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse . Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence
• Siena Heights University student and employees — Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim ; and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors : The length of the relationship , the type of relationship , the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship .
Domestic Violence :
• State of Michigan — Assault and assault and battery of his or her spouse or former spouse , an individual with whom he or she has had a child in common , a resident or formal resident of the same household , an individual with whom he or she has had a dating relationship , a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner , a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws , or any other person against an adult or youth victim show is protected from that person ’ s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction
• Clery — Felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed : ( i ) by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim ; ( ii ) by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common ; ( iii ) by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner ; ( iv ) by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred ; or ( v ) by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from the person ’ s actions under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred .