2022-23 SHU Campus Safety Handbook | Page 14

MDOP / Vandalism : Malicious destruction of property . To willfully or maliciously destroy , damage , deface , or otherwise injure real or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it ( Clery ).
Motor Vehicle Theft : The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle ( Clery ).
Murder / Non-negligent Manslaughter : The willful ( non-negligent ) killing of one human being by another ( Clery ).
Negligent Manslaughter : The killing of another person through gross negligence ( Clery ).
Non Campus Building or Property : ( 1 ) Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution ; or ( 2 ) Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution that is used in direct support of , or in relation to , the institution ’ s educational purposes , is frequently used by students , and is not within the same reasonably geographic area of the institution ( Clery ).
On-Campus Student Housing Facility : Any student housing facility that is owned or controlled by the institution , or is located on property that is owned or controlled by the institution , and is within the reasonably contiguous geographic area that makes up the campus is considered an on-campus student housing facility ( Clery ).
Property Damage : The estimated value of the loss of the structure and contents , in terms of the cost of replacement in like kind and quantity . This estimate should include contents damaged by fire , ad related damages caused by smoke , water , and overhaul , however , it does not include indirect loss , such as business interruption ( Clery ).
Public Property : All public property , including thoroughfares , streets , sidewalks , and parking facilities , that is within the campus , or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus ( Clery ).
Referred for Disciplinary Action : The referral of any person to any official who initiates a disciplinary action of which a record is established and which may result in the imposition of a sanction ( Clery ).
Retaliation : Retaliation against any individual for reporting an individual providing information , or exercising one ’ s rights or responsibilities . Retaliation includes but is not limited to intimidation , threats , coercion , or discrimination against any individual , undertaken or attempted , directly or someone acting on behalf of another . This policy also applies to retaliation against individual ’ s involved in the process of responding to , investigating , or addressing allegations of sexual discrimination , harassment , violence , or participating in any University process ( Clery ).
Risk Reduction : Options designed to decrease perpetration and bystander inaction , and to increase empowerment for victims in order to promote safety and to help individuals and communities address conditions that facilitate violence ( Clery ).
Robbery : The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care , custody , or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and / or by