2022-23 SHU Campus Safety Handbook | Page 107

Siena Heights University Public Safety ( SHU DPS ) Officers have received training in Incident Command and Responding to Critical Incidents on campus . When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campus , the first responders to the scene are usually SHU DPS , Adrian Police Department , and the Adrian Fire Department , and they typically respond and work together to manage the incident . Depending on the nature of the incident , other SHU departments and other local or federal agencies could also be involved in responding to the incident .
General information about the emergency response and evacuation procedures for SHU are publicized each year as part of the Institution ’ s Clery Act compliance efforts and that information is available on the SHU web site . Detailed information about and updates to the SHU crisis response manual are available via SHU crisis response coordinator .
Members of the University community are expected to notify the SHU DPS of any situation or incident on campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or ongoing threat to the health and safety of students and / or employees on campus . SHU DPS has the responsibility of responding to , and summoning the necessary resources , to mitigate , investigate , and document any situation that may cause a significant emergency or dangerous situation . In addition , SHU DPS has a responsibility to respond to such incidents to determine if the situation does in fact , pose a threat to the community . If that is the case , Federal Law requires that the institution immediately notify the campus community or the appropriate segments of the community that may be affected by the situation .
In the event of an active shooter :
• IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO : RUN , evacuate the area , leave belongings , warn others , keep your hands visible , follow instructions from emergency responders , call 911 / Public Safety when safe to do so .
• IF IT IS UNSAFE TO EVACUATE : HIDE , secure the room you are in , lock doors if you can , barricade the door with whatever you can , if you are in a hall get into a room , be out of sight , be quiet , remain calm , hide behind large heavy objects that may offer protection , call 911 / Public Safety when safe to do so , follow instructions from emergency responders , do not unsecure the area until instructed to do so by law enforcement .
• AS A LAST RESORT : FIGHT , only when your life is in imminent danger , attempt to disrupt and / or incapacitate the shooter , act quickly and aggressively , throw objects or improvise weapons , be loud and assertive , commit to your actions , a temporary disruption may provide a chance to run .