2022-23 SHU Campus Safety Handbook | Page 100

Siena Heights University Public Safety will , without delay , and taking into account the safety of the community , determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system , unless issuing the notification will , in the professional judgement of responsible authorities , compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain , respond to , or otherwise mitigate the emergency .
Siena Heights University Department of Public Safety is responsible for issuing Timely Warnings .
Process for timely warning notifications during a threat to the health or safety of students or employees on campus :
• An assessment of the threat will be conducted by emergency response authorities
• The community protocol will be determined by the content of the threat and finalized by the Department of Public Safety
• Initiation of the communication will be done by one of the following : o o o o o o
Chief of Public Safety Deputy Director of Public Safety Emergency Manager Communications Director Assistant Communications Director Highest ranking Public Safety Command