2021-2022 Small Business Resource Guide | Page 44

Economic Development Incentives
Arlington Office of Economic Development and Arlington Economic Development Corporation
101 W . Abram Arlington , Texas 76010 817-459-6155 www . arlingtontx . gov / business
The Office of Economic Development ( OED ) strives to support the growth of Arlington ’ s existing businesses and attract new opportunities that will contribute to the economic vitality of the City . The ultimate goal of the OED is to foster opportunities that will increase the city ’ s revenue , provide high-quality employment opportunities for residents , and contribute to the overall prestige and future growth of the City of Arlington .
Tax Abatements
A tax abatement may be granted for eligible facilities on all or a portion of the increased taxable value of real and / or personal property over the Base Year Value for a specified number of years .
Arlington Economic Development Corporation
A Type B sales tax fund managed by a seven member board to offer grants and loans for a variety of projects including the acquisition of land , machinery and equipment , construction costs , and other items listed in the AEDC policy .
Texas Enterprise Fund – State of Texas
A state level cash grant used as a financial incentive tool for projects offering significant projected job creation and capital investment where a single Texas site is competing with another viable out-of-state option for relocation .
Triple Freeport Exemption
Property tax exemption offered by the City , school district , and Tarrant County . It applies to various types of property detained in Texas for no more than 175 days to be transported out of state . Goods must be in Texas for assembling , storing , manufacturing , repair , maintenance , processing or fabricating purposes .
Chapter 380 Grants
The Texas Chapter 380 Local Government Code authorizes municipalities to offer grants of city funds to stimulate business activity based on jobs created , capital investment , and other approved performance metrics listed in the City ’ s Chapter 380 policy .
Tax Increment Financing ( TIF )/ Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones ( TIRZ )
TIRZ is a tool that the City can use to finance needed improvements for infrastructure and buildings within a designated area . Arlington has four active TIRZ districts , each with nine board members responsible for reviewing funding requests .
Skills Development Fund ( SDF )
The SDF is Texas ’ premier upskilling program . SDF grants provide site-specific , customized training opportunities for Texas businesses and their employees to increase skill levels and wages of the Texas workforce .
Opportunity Zone ( OZ )
An investment tool established by Congress in 2017 to encourage long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide . OZ ’ s provide a tax incentive for investors to reinvest their unrealized capital gains into dedicated Opportunity Funds . Arlington has one opportunity zone .
Development Fee Waivers
The City of Arlington offers full waiver of development fees including platting , building permits , electrical , mechanical , and plumbing on eligible projects on select projects .