2021-2022 Small Business Resource Guide | Page 25

A DBA lets you conduct business under a different identity than your own personal name or your formal business entity name ( LLC or Corporation name ). Some banks require a DBA in addition to a federal tax ID number ( EIN ) to open a business bank account .
General Information
An Assumed Name / DBA ( Doing Business As ) should be filed with the County Clerk ’ s Office in which business is to be conducted . Incorporated and unincorporated assumed name certificate forms can be completed in person or submitted by mail to the Tarrant County Couthouse if notarized . Unincorporated assumed name applications may be partially completed and saved online , but applicants must appear in person to sign the application and pay the required fee .
Assumed name certificate forms must include original signatures of each person whose name is to be listed on the certificate . If the person is not an individual , the assumed name form must be signed by an officer , general partner , member , manager , representative , or attorney in fact of that person .
The Clerk ’ s office will acknowledge signatures with a valid photo Driver ’ s License , State ID , U . S . Passport or Military ID card . If more than one person is to be listed on the certificate , all parties must be present at the same time . Otherwise , all signatures must be notarized . Applicants may conduct business under multiple assumed names , but each name must be filed separately .
It is the responsibility of the applicant to search the assumed name records in the county in which business is to be conducted to ensure no other business has the same name . Tarrant County records can be searched online or in person .