Property and Business Personal Property ( BPP ) Taxes
Tarrant Appraisal District
The Tarrant Appraisal District is responsible for local property tax appraisal and exemption administration for property in Arlington .
Each taxing unit , such as the county , a city , school district , municipal utility district , etc ., sets its own tax rate to generate revenue to pay for such things as police and fire protection , public schools , road and street maintenance , courts , water and sewer systems , and other public services . Property appraisals are determined by the appraisal district and used by the taxing units to calculate and allocate the annual tax burden .
It is important for business owners to prepare for property taxes for their commercial business location .
In addition , some business owners may be responsible for paying business personal property taxes . Assets such as machinery , equipment , tools , vehicles , computers , etc . are taxable because they are used to generate income . Proprietorships , partnerships , corporations , self-employed agents , or contractors , who are in possession of assets may be required to file a report listing assets via a BPP Rendition form .