Do I Need A Building Permit ?
A building permit is required if you are considering any type of construction project that includes new , repair / alterations , remodeling , expansions , additions , or renovations to your business .
A building permit is your legal permission to start construction . Without a building permit , your project may not comply with zoning requirements , fire codes , structural safety standards , and other building code requirements . It is the property owner ’ s or tenant ’ s responsibility to make sure a building permit is obtained prior to commencing construction or demolition , when required .
Your construction project must comply with the locally adopted building codes for several reasons : 1 . For your personal safety and that of your customers visiting your business . 2 . To ensure the economic well-being of the community by reducing potential spread of fire and disease . 3 . For the conservation of energy .
How Do I Apply For A Building Permit ?
ArlingtonPermits . com website is your online platform to apply and track the status of your permits , licenses and registrations for the City of Arlington .
Building permits may be applied for by the property owner or by an agent ( contractor , engineer , architect , or tenant ) on behalf of the owner . If your contractor is applying , be sure to ask them to include your contact information on the application such as your email address . This will ensure that you are kept informed by email updates throughout the plan review and inspection process . Please note , when your permit is approved for issue , the contractor can electronically download the stamp “ Approved ” plans from ArlingtonPermits . com .
How Much Will It Cost To Apply For A Building Permit ?
Commercial Building Permit fees are based on the value of the project . You can access the
building permit fee calculator on the City ’ s Planning and Development website to estimate the cost of your permit . Customers only need to enter the estimated construction value and the calculator will generate a fee estimate .