Commercial Location : City of Arlington Licenses , Permits & Registration
The Planning and Development Services Department assists small business owners throughout the permitting process and answers frequently asked questions regarding certificates of occupancy , building permits , inspections and more .
Frequently Asked Questions :
1 . What is the first thing I should do before I open my business ? 2 . Do I need a building permit ? 3 . How do I apply for a building permit ? 4 . How much will it cost to apply for a building permit ? 5 . How long will it take to get my building plans approved ? 6 . What happens when I receive my building permit ? 7 . Are there additional considerations to open / expand a commercial business ? 8 . How do I schedule inspections ? 9 . How do I find a qualified Architect , Engineer , or Contractor ? 10 . How do I apply for a Certificate of Occupancy ? 11 . What happens if I don ’ t get a permit ? 12 . What happens if I get stuck ?
What Is The First Thing I Should Do Before I Open My Business ?
The first and most important step to consider before you purchase property or sign a lease is to find out what types of businesses are allowed at the property . Whether you are thinking about opening a restaurant or buying a retail shop , you will want to confirm the following uses are allowed including if the building is suitable , the number of parking spaces and many other factors . For assistance with these questions , call the One Start Center , a one-stop shop , to schedule a meeting to verify your zoning ( establishes the types of land use permitted on a specific tract of land ) and ensure your property is platted ( establishes the lot , block , and subdivision names used in real estate transactions ). Staff can answer your questions and further direct you on your next steps .