2021 _ 01 | Page 2


My name is Greer Lesnieski and I ’ ve been a nurse since May 2017 . After graduating from the University of Connecticut ( go Huskies !), I worked as a float pool nurse in Hartford , CT . I moved to Philadelphia and have worked as a trauma / surgical nurse for two years . On my days off , I ’ m involved in community gardening , volunteering , and horseback riding in the Wissahickon trails . I also like to venture to a Flyers game when they ’ re on a winning streak .
Becoming a nurse has always been in my mind . My mom and grandmother were nurses . So are countless aunts , cousins , and friends . We joke that it ’ s become a bit of a “ family business .” When it came time to choose a college major , it was an easy decision and I knew I ’ d be able to help people along the way . Plus , I could reuse the nursing school books from everyone else in the family !
At UConn I was a member of the Student Nurses Association . The most rewarding part of my school career was my semester in San Juan , Puerto Rico ’ s Veterans Hospital . My top‐tier instructor , Beka , guided me – but she also held me accountable . She encouraged our class to do our best in class ( despite the temptation of the tropical beaches ). I was fortunate to learn countless lessons about Puerto Rican culture , Veterans services , and healthcare for disadvantaged communities . These real‐life experiences make me a better nurse .
I joined PSNA at the same time that I joined the American Nurse Association . I looked for these memberships after moving to Pennsylvania because I wanted to network with people who “ get it ” – other nurses . In 2019‐2020 , I was a mentee in the ANA Mentorship Program .
I ’ m looking forward to getting back to in‐person PSNA events once things open up in a post‐COVID world ! 2