2020 | Page 98

98 Year Book of Environmental Science

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Nature reflects our nature
The utilitarian principles of justice are opposite to rights-based thinking , focusing more on the outcome rather than intentions . It is also more concerned with the aggregate social outcome rather than the individual ’ s experience — it is the total amount of wellbeing in the world , rather than how this is distributed . In other words , an action could cause some happiness to some , but as long as the happiness it creates for others outweighs this , it will be a good action . Overall it focuses that ‘ greater good ’ is a common justification for acts of state that creates problems for some people .
The virtue ethics argue that doing the right thing cannot be reduced to a set of rules , nor from the calculation of aggregate effects on happiness . Instead , moral behavior is seen to flow from a person ’ s inner characters or virtues . This means caring for nature must be itself a virtue as we often find many people arguing that lack of care for nature is a key reason for the planetary crisis we find ourselves in .
( Compiled from an online course on Environmental Justice from University of East Anglia ). Encompassing these subjects , principles , and dimensions of justice might conclude what is just to do , but it differs accordingly in the thought of decision-makers ; dimensions they review , principles they follow , subjects they emphasize most , and finally the approach ( top-down or bottom-up ) they use to make a decision . Apart from these , framing also plays an important role . Environmental framing narrows a complex environmental issue down into a particular storyline that sets a train of thought in motion for
audiences about who or what might be the cause of a particular environmental problem , the relevance or importance of the particular issue , and what should be
done in terms of policy or personal actions to create just environmental future . Halt on the construction of the world ’ s fourth-biggest airport in Nepal — Nijgadh International Airport — is a suitable example of framing environmental problems caused if constructed , by the Nepalese media with the compliment of Individual frames .
Prashant Rimal BSc . Environment Science ( Batch 2015 )

Sustainable Urban Agriculture : Benefiting People and the Environment

Humans need food , but we also need clean water , breathable air , adequate shelter , and energy ( for lights , cooking , communications , transportation , etc .). As human populations grow and increasingly congregate in large metropolitan urban areas , it is becoming clear that we must do some things differently to sustain ( or in many cases restore ) ecosystems that provide the services we need while also recognizing the need to conserve habitat for the plant , animal , and microbial diversity .
Lack of enough nutritious food is already a problem for millions of people in the world , and this situation is predicted to get worse with more people and less land for growing food . The Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) predicts it will take a 70 % increase in food production over the next few decades to meet the Millennium Development Goals related to hunger . To make this challenge greater , increased agriculture production may become more difficult in many areas due to the effects of climate change ,

98 Year Book of Environmental Science