2020 | Page 94

94 Year Book of Environmental Science

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Nature reflects our nature
3 ) Reusable stainless steel
cutlery With the rise of disposable plastic , there have been many changes in almost every sector , even our kitchen . We might be using plastic cutlery like plastic knife , spoon , and straw which , as we all know are toxic . So instead of those , isn ’ t it much better to use reusable cutlery sets made of stainless steel or other non-toxic metal ? These will last for a long time which ultimately saves some cash and is not harmful to the environment as well .
4 ) Thrifting clothes
4 ) Thrifting clothes As glittery and shiny as it seems from the outside , the ever-booming fast fashion industry has been creating a major problem environmentally . Every year millions of tons of discarded clothing items enter the landfill which takes several years to decompose . The fast fashion industry is known to be one of the major polluters of water . So , why not thrift clothes instead of buying new ones and adding them to the landfill ? We ’ ve all heard the proverb “ One man ’ s junk is another man ’ s treasure ”. This way we can be environmentally conscious and stay fashionable too . The concept of ‘ thrifting ’ is gradually increasing in Nepal as well with the increment of thrift stores on several social media platforms like Instagram . Also , we could reuse old clothes as handkerchief and rags rather than buying disposable tissues and paper towels .
6 ) Ancient cultural Muda instead of plastic
stool Our ancestors used ‘ paral ’ to make ‘ sukul ’ and ‘ muda ’ which were both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly . With the rise of plastic materials , those ancient ‘ sukul ’ and ‘ muda ’ have almost vanished . But it would be so much better if we could still use them instead of the plastic stools . Thankfully , we can still find such stools made of ‘ paral ’ in Ajisproducts , a brand that is constantly working on uplifting the elderly makers and their skills . You can find their products here https :// www . ajisproducts . org / products

94 Year Book of Environmental Science