2020 | Page 75

Nature and Social Concern Society 75
Nature reflects our nature


The moment I am writing this , I am sitting in my room , under a bright light that is being reflected by the laptop screen in front of me . With a watch on my wrist , a clock on the wall , and the clock displayed on my mobile phone , I am cocksure that the time right now is 16:55 of Thursday 21st November 2019 . Now with the given information , you too know when this article was written . So what is time ? For physicists , time is often referred to as a fourth dimension , the indefinite continued progress of existence , and the component quantity of various measurements that appears to have a direction . But for a normal reader like you and me , time is what the face of the clock reads . But what if , you could reverse the direction of needle of the clock in front of you and leap to that point on Thursday 21st November 2019 when I was scribbling on my notebook ? Well , on that condition , I could have told you that since you have time-travelled my friend , the temporal paradoxes are coming to get you .
-Aakash Malakar M . E , 2nd year
Design & Manufacturing
So before you leap , it is very important to know about the arrow of time . It is obvious for all that time is unidirectional . “ Why is it that we remember our past but not the future ?” Many philosophers , physicists , scholars , and religious people have questioned the unidirectionality of time , but understanding it in a matter applicable to all fields without circularity has consistently eluded all . This may be generally a consequence of time being modeled by a parameter in the system being analyzed , where there is no “ proper time ”. Examples of these parameters include thermodynamic arrow of time , a cosmological arrow of time , and a psychological arrow of time , all of which points away from the CPT symmetry .
The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy of the universe must increase with time . With our current understanding , entropy cannot be reversed . And this entropy is what shapes the time . We measure time in the direction where entropy is increasing . The increase of entropy or disorder with time is what is called ‘ thermodynamic arrow of time ’. The measurement of time in the direction where the universe is expanding is called ‘ cosmological arrow of time ’. The explanation of how much clearer is always inconclusive because one can always claim that things are another way around and it is time that shapes entropy and space expansion . No matter what the claim is , the fact that we remember our past and not our future is the evidence that time is unidirectional and hence , we call this ‘ psychological arrow of time ’.
Since H . G wells imagined that time was the fourth dimension , and Einstein confirmed it , the idea of time travel has captivated us . More than 50 scientific papers are being published annually on time travel , and story yellers explore it- From Stephen King ’ s JFK Assassination novel 11 / 22 / 63 to the ‘ Outlander ’ television series to Woody Allen ’ s comedy ‘ Midnight in Paris ’.
What if , we could travel back in time and change history ? What if we could see what the future has in store ?

Nature and Social Concern Society 75