2020 World Day Against Child Labour_CCR CSR Info Package_June 12 | Page 5

LENGING REMEDIATION CASE N AFTER COVID-19 came when his mother lost her job. During these tough times, Taotao had a lot of time to assess his life. When restrictions began to lift, Taotao finally expressed an interest in doing a culinary training programme to gain skills and become more employable when he turns 16. In May 2020, CCR CSR accompanied Taotao and his mother to two culinary schools in Hangzhou. Taotao was impressed by one of the school’s baking programmes and the school also offered a guaranteed job placement upon graduation. It was a perfect fit and Taotao enrolled with great enthusiasm. He officially started his course on May 21st, 2020 and has been attending classes regularly and making huge strides. He lives on campus and attends classes five days a week. Within just weeks, Taotao has mastered the art of cake decorating and has become more confident and outgoing. CCR CSR will continue supporting and monitoring Taotao’s progress until February 2021, when he turns 16. Thanks to the great support from the brand and factory, Taotao’s remediation programme took a positive turn and he is now on course to forging a new, promising path for himself. Clockwise from top: Taotao at the baking school, two cakes decorated by Taotao after starting classes at the school. * Pseudonym