2020 Summer soonsam | Page 32

칼리지페어기획 College and Career Fair EM A3 Jung Cho 보는분들이이해하기쉽도록시청각자료를직장에서가지고오기도하셨습니다 . IT, 경찰 , 기계학 , 치과 , 교육등 18개의직업이소개되었습니다 . 유스 PTA 에서준비해주신음식이없었다면 , 그날밤은랄리제일한인침례교회의행사가아니었을것입니다 . 우리유스학생들을위해이행사를열수있도록지원해주시고봉사해주신많은분들의긍정적인힘을 받지못했다면 , 이행사는가능하지못했을것입니다 . 처음저희가대학및직업박람회를준비를시작할때 , 비전센터의 ¼ 에서 ½ 정도를사용하자고결정했습니다 . 작은행사가될것이라고생각했었습니다 . 이번행사는작지만 , 향후에는지금보다더크게할수있을것이라고생각하면서요 . 하지만 , 이번행사가이렇게크게될것이라예상하지못했습니다 . 매주행사를도와주겠다고하시는분들이늘어났습니다 . 다음세대에게물심양면으로지원하고 , 이런저런방법으로도와주겠다고응해주시는것들이유스를이끌고있는저희들로서는정말감사했습니다 . 유스리더들은이런행사를우리학생들에게해주고싶었습니다 . 유스친구들과이야기를할때마다 , 대학이나미래에대한계획에대한이야기는매번한번씩은언급되는주제였기때문입니다 . 많은학생들이무엇을전공할지불확실해하지만여전히잘자랄것이고 , 일부학생들은대학에진학하지않고도잘성장할것입니다 . 모든유스리더들은대학진학이좋은기회라생각하면그럴수도있지만 , 모든사람이꼭대학에가야한다고는생각하지않습니다 . 학생과부모에게고등학교이후의삶은모두즐거워할수있어야한다는것을인식시키는장을마련할수있었다고생각됩니다 . 이것은우리가미래에더많은것을보기바라는축복입니다 . This past February the Youth leaders were able to organize and hold a College and Career Fair for our youth students. Whether you are just entering high school or about to enter college, college can be overwhelming. Especially the process of getting into college and what you need to do to look good for the admissions board to be accepted. During that process most students aren’t really given an opportunity to think about what they want to study in college for their major, or even what they want to do as a career. A lot of students go to college simply because that is what they are told to do. It’s just another stage in life that everyone needs to take. However, most students that come into college have very little idea about what major they want to enter and struggle to find one that they like or grinds through a major they don’t enjoy because it was what was pushed onto them. Some may even wonder why they came to college and spend money for something they don’t even want to do. The intent of this fair was to offer insight and a broader perspective for our students about the opportunities that are offered after high school- whether that is through college or straight into the work force. Hopefully inspiring our students to be able dream bigger and take on bigger goals. One of the ideas that we really tried to emphasize is that college is not for everyone. Not everyone has to go to a 4-year university. Some may go off to Community College, or some may join the work force and attend a trade school. 32 순례자의샘터 www.soonsam.org