2020 Sponsorship Opportunities Guide UCCCC 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities - Rev. 012820 | Page 15

C O N N E C T | N E T W O R K I N G E V E N T S Chamber 101 M O N T H LY F R O M F E B R U A R Y - O C T O B E R | 8 : 3 0 - 9 : 1 5 A M Chamber 101 is a monthly orientation for both new and current members. Attendees learn how to navigate the chamber website, utilize web-based membership benefits and more. Attending Chamber 101 is an invaluable opportunity to discover ways to increase return on your membership dues investment and take advantage of all the chamber has to offer. 2020 Dates: February 11, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 13 Projected Attendance: 20-30 per event Audience: New and current chamber members SERIES PRESENTING SPONSOR................................................... $1,000 INVESTMENT O NE AVA ILA BLE | BEN E FITS AP P LY TO ALL C H AMBE R 1 0 1 EV EN T DAT ES L I ST ED A B OV E ■ Top billing in all event promotions ■ Logo recognition on chamber website event listing and email invitation ■ Logo recognition on Chamber 101 banner ad, regularly displayed on chamber website event calendar (calendar receives 7,000+ page views per month) ■ Logo recognition on event welcome sign ■ Logo included on event multimedia presentation ■ Opportunity to provide company flyer or promotional item for distribution at each Chamber 101 event in 2020 ■ Opportunity for company representative to attend each presentation and provide brief welcoming remarks SERIES COFFEE SPONSOR............................................................ $400 INVESTMENT O NE AVA ILA BLE | BEN E FITS AP P LY TO ALL C H AMBE R 1 0 1 EV EN T DAT ES L I ST ED A B OV E ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Company name listed on chamber website event listing and email invitation Company logo included on event multimedia presentation Prominent logo recognition on tabletop sign displayed at coffee table Opportunity to provide company flyer or promotional item for display at coffee table Opportunity for company representative to attend each presentation Sponsorship Point of Contact: EFRAIN FRANCO, JR., IOM Membership Engagement Director Office 361-881-1800 Direct 361-371-4705 Cell 361-816-3022 Email [email protected] 602 N Staples Street, Ste. 150 Corpus Christi, TX 78401 www.unitedccchamber.com 2 0 2 0 S p o n s o rs h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s G u i d e | P a g e 1 5