2020 September Edition 48 | Page 81

The Port of San Diego Harbor Police now proudly represents the nation s largest contin- gent of HTLOs within a single local law enforcement agency , leading the way nationally in the fight against trafficking .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

The next phase of Help Stop Human Trafficking is a com- munity-wide training and awareness program that will engage the community as part of the solution to end this hei- nous crime .

Launching later this year , the program includes training vid- eos and educational materials that will be available for free to San Diego County employers .

These videos have special focus on the hospitality and tourism industries , whose employees have the highest probability of encountering human traf- ficking activity .

Those who complete the train- ing will learn how to recognize the signs of human trafficking and report suspicious activity to law enforcement . It is a program that the Foun- dation hopes will ultimately save lives .

At its heart , the San Diego Har- bor Police Foundation recog- nizes that police officers are a vital part of the fabric of the communities they serve .

Working alongside dedicated civilians , community lead- ers , donors , and corporate citizens , the Foundation has taken the long view toward building better communi- ties and hopes to make a last- ing impact on many genera- tions to come .