2020 September Edition 48 | Page 66

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

As new threats emerge , we have to work together to un- derstand what needs to be monitored and controlled to contain biothreats .

What would the next bios- ecurity threat look like if rapid diagnostic tools were widely available ?

This could entail approach- es like cargo screening and environmental monitor- ing for disease vectors , or employing forms of vector control to reduce the popula- tions of insects or arthropods that can transmit diseases .

Sharing information would also improve our view of where threats are and the way they are spreading .

The widespread use of mo- lecular diagnostics is criti- cally important in this area .

Draper is on a team developing a rapid , low of detecting 1,000 biomarkers in one proc improving infectiou

The next biosecurity threat will look different because of our ability to respond quickly and more accurate- ly .

We will have better diag-