2020 September Edition 48 | Page 44

Michael Stoll , ( a . k . a . Turnstile Mike ), VP of Technical Sales & Marketing at Aeroturn , ( at left ), receiving one of Aeroturn ' s Three ' ASTORS ' Homeland Security Awards .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

Our company s products inte- grate seamlessly with the na- tion s top access control sys- tems , and we take pride in the durability we offer to custom- ers .

Moving forward turnstiles will be required to be extremely durable and reliable and oth- er main entrance protection will be spotlighted .

This new push will be due to the in- creased security and safety proto- cols pushed on the security personnel & management from the executive teams of corpo- rations , govern- ments & schools .

Turnstiles are here to stay and will continue to help bring people back to the of- fice safely and efficiently .

For further information on Aero- turn turnstile solutions , please visit www . aeroturn . com or send an email to sales @ aero- turn . com .

Michael Stoll , ( a . k . a . Turnstile Mike ), VP of Technical Sales & Marketing at Aeroturn , ( at left ), receiving one of Aeroturn ' s Three ' ASTORS ' Homeland Security Awards .