2020 September Edition 48 | Page 78

highest poverty rates in San Diego County .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

Over 95 % of students are socio- economically disadvantaged , and 30 % are homeless . The Foundation has upgraded four special education class- rooms , replacing broken and dilapidated furniture with brand- new furniture and equipment .

It is a labor of love , with officers and volunteers personally de- livering , building and install- ing the furniture at the school , to the surprise and delight of Perkins students who walk in the next day to find a high qual- ity classroom environment .

Additionally , the Foundation established an officer-student mentorship program .

Each grade level has been ad- opted by a volunteer Harbor Police officer who conducts

San Diego Harbor Police Officers on a Group Outing with Perkins Students . ( Courtesy of the San Diego Harbor Police Foundation )