2020 September Edition 48 | Page 67

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

nostic tools and assays , and broader distribution , and these tools will be portable and field-ready .

rapid diagnosis will help ef- forts to isolate people faster if they are positive , and to di- rect resources to the appro- priate areas .

Is biosecurity fundamen- tally changing how society protects itself ?

-cost diagnostic device that will be capable essing cycle , an important step forward in s disease detection .

We will be able to get diag- nostic devices into areas that aren t as extensively resourced , like rural commu- nities .

Speed of distribution and

What we are seeing with bi- osecurity today is a conver- gence of technologies that have been in development for a decade or more from various areas .

Biotechnology leverages ad- vances from many areas such as optics for imaging analy- sis , microfluidics to enable sample-to-answer assays , as well as new molecular tools like CRISPR .