2020 September Edition 48 | Page 58

Srikant Vissamsetti , Attivo Networks

ciency issues , joint customers of Swimlane and Attivo are gaining critical insights into their risk posture and targeted remediation plans .”

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

Key benefits of this partner- ship include speed and con- sistency . With an automated prevention posture , Swimlane can launch responses to hard- en defenses at machine speeds .

This faster time to resolution is critical during an attack , as each second counts . Machine-speed response also provides a much greater chance of stopping ze- ro-day attacks .

Swimlane excels at helping organizations achieve more efficiency in their security op- erations ,” added Srikant Vis- samsetti , senior vice president of engineering for Attivo Net- works .

Through their centralization of all integrated tools and data , customers can reach across tra- ditional product silos to take action with any integrated tool within the SOC .”

Automated malware analysis is also a key benefit of our part- nership .”

Swimlane workflows en- able users to achieve a uni- form response across their organization for repetitive alerts , taking human error out of the equation when re- quiring these responses .

Srikant Vissamsetti , Attivo Networks