Customers worldwide rely on the ThreatDefend ® Platform for unprecedented visibility to risks , attack surface reduc- tion , and attack detection .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58
The portfolio provides patented innovative defenses at critical points of attack , including at endpoints , in Active Directory , and cloud environments .
Data concealment technology hides critical AD objects , data , and credentials , eliminating attacker theft and misuse , par- ticularly useful in a Zero Trust architecture .
Bait and misdirection effi- ciently steer attackers away from production assets , and de- ception decoys obfuscate the
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = SzeNMoKWrX4 & feature = emb _ logo
( The Attivo ThreatDefend ® Platform delivers unparalleled attack prevention , detection , and adversary intelligence collection based on cyber deception and data concealment technologies for an informed defense . Courtesy of Attivo Networks and YouTube .)