2020 September Edition 48 | Page 41

Aeroturn , a leading turnstile manufacturer that offers 100 % Made in The USA turnstiles , has managed to adapt to these uncertain times and take the reins of emerging trends .

Aeroturn s team is aware that we must educate the end-user and integrator about the supe- riority of our product if we want to stand out from the rest of the turnstile manufacturers .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

We have been involved in the introduction of touchless facial recognition biometric cre- dentials at multiple location in the last year .

We have also catered to our government clients by devel- oping a hybrid touchless sys- tem for military bases in the Atlantic .

We know that performance ca- pabilities must be communi- cated , while putting emphasis on our permanent zero-main- tenance solution when giving a product demo to customers .

After our presentation , decision makers are almost always cer- tain about their decision to go

As turnstiles are getting more popular and commoditized , they are not perceived to have the same value as they did be- fore . In addition , the bar has dropped significantly when it comes to front door security .