2020 September Edition 48 | Page 13
Register for the 2021 ' ASTORS ' Awards Luncheon www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58
To take advantage of this exclusive luncheon opportunity and take a break from the show , register today .
TSA Administrator David Pekoske
Join keynote speaker TSA Admin- istrator David Pekoske , who is re- sponsible for security operations at nearly 440 U . S . airports , and shared security for highways , rail- roads , ports , mass transit systems and pipelines across the U . S .
A recognized expert in crisis manage- ment , strategic planning , innovation and aviation , surface transportation and maritime security , Mr . Pekoske ' s will share his top priorities and chal- lenges for the TSA will be critical to our attendees internalizing the criti- cal nature of these escalating chal- lenges , and realizing innovative new approaches to address them .
Your ‘ ASTORS ’ Awards Luncheon regis- tration includes complimentary at- tendee access to ISC East - the lead- ing event for the Northeast ’ s security and public safety community .
Receive the acknowledgment you deserve amidst your peers - Extend an invitation to your team , guests , potential clients and show visitors for a lovely and affordable plated meal event in the heart of New York City , for a phenomenal networking opportunity as we convene Post COVID-19 to accelerate market re- covery and re-define the roadmap ahead .
Go to https :// americansecuritytoday . com / product / awards-luncheon / to secure your seat or reserve a table .
*** Limited space available so Register Today . There will be no on-site reg- istrations .